Saturday, July 16, 2022

Latter Day Judas Goats-Compromisation of susceptible cultural influences


Latter Day Judas Goats-Compromisation 

of susceptible cultural influences

Though Judas' machinations included the Judean clerics being his tools that made him a direct accomplice to the capture and killing of Jesus.  Today, it can be done indirectly by the means which " 'influencers' " need to promote themselves, the $$$-coins of the realms. The trinkets and beaded descendant surrogates of the 'Golden Calf'.

The trinkets and beads are the common objects of desire and acquisition by which the commoners are further seduced. It is this seduction that is willingly done by these influences seeking to expand their platform of influence, irregardless of the likely adverse effects on those who view their celebrity imprimatur of such products as motivations for their intent than focus.

It's this subordination of one's 'brother's keepers' ethics for their own immediate, self-centered aggrandization that is another sign of the corrupting times. Having the loss of a holistic, altruistic sympathetic sibling sense for She or he who's unknown and the anonymous person. 

A culture prostituted into a whoredom of service for which  the foreseeable is discounted, dismissed, and deflected to those innocents who rely on the bona fides of your credibility is the stain that is the indictment on this behavior.

It's not lost 'in the trees of the forests of events or even more 'in the weeds' of the ubiquitous events.

It's one thing for those icons of the past who were unwitting tools, prostituting what their marketing pimps cynically used them. We have seen a generation of brazen whores who've sold themselves for the treasures of such degenerating lucre. 

And just as Jesus is attributed to saying in His last words, "They know not what they do..". So it is with these influencers. So blinded by the wants, that they've had that the delusion of their self-rationalizations that they SELL the tangible and intangible toxins and poisons to those that they say they love. It's having them buy the poisons, than directly feeding them the killing stuff, let alone doing it with your own hand.

You, as a culture are the enablers of leading those you love into the toxic temptations and the killing evils.


Whatever 2-cent ($0.02-USD) offering you'd care to literally give than just the smugness of self-satisfying thoughts as your figurative "thanksgiving", you can do at this PayPal QR-proxy link


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