Saturday, December 11, 2010


My (d)evolution to my present stage of thinking started with a feral spirit which eventually found an intellectual affirmation that realized the physiological-kinetic, body connection. For those not acquainted to my previous life reviews, I realized that my relative, incidental insulation from group socialization and being left to my own devices from a toddler age to kindergarten gave me an inherent acuity of my physical 'integrity'. Alone in my own world, the dynamics of social interaction beyond the occasional instructions from or request to my mother were nearly non-existent. The ongoing narratives and interpretations of perceptions, rightly or wrongly, I developed with myself were my emotional world. I wasn't self-conscious about it, since there was no one I could or had to dialogue with to see the distinguishing features of my idiosyncrasies.

But when I reached kindergarten, the social (and cultural) shock interacting with this collective of relatively callous and rude persons to my person made me self-conscious for the first time in my life. My native pragmatism and curiosity for things helped me overcome and, eventually, adapt marvelously to these dog-eat-dog surroundings. I, at first, was ready to bury the ethics of my pre-kindergarten idiosyncrasies, but events created and maintained an on-going disenchantment with the status-quo and their conventions. The disenchantment was the seeding of an estrangement which sought other rhetorical paradigms. Those paradigms were few and far between in Syracuse and my junior high and high school. The scarcity of resonance or harmony with my being via the cultural and social environment further aggravated my growing intellectual restiveness with the conventions I was academically and intellectually training myself.

Just like a fiction plot, it was during one of my more despairing moments of frustration with the conventional operations I had been obliged to follow that someone came along and opened a rabbit-hole for me to investigate. That rabbit-hole was compelling because it was relevant, not abstract for some future material promise. Going from the abstract arguments for conventions that were more frustrations and disenchantments for me to the immediately fulfilling stimulative knowledge my soul had been starving, was an easy transition.

Playing catch-up for my 'Self' was intensive during my undergrad years. It gave the directive, guiding-star paradigm as a focus and course-correction through my military and civilian years. Eventually it brought me to a conviction to the creed I had been deconstructing-constructing while moving to the margins socially and culturally from my contemporaries. Giving credit to those other iconoclastic and free spirits who were oases in a dessert of social and secular conventionalism that ran across ethnic and racial lines, as much as it did economic classes, I found inspiration and affirmation in their near-maniac devotedness to their inner-muse. I may not have agreed with the expression they had chosen, but I understood their angst to have a statement in life that was unique and not a poor counterfeit of some hand-me-down, authoritative consensus.

The aesthetics of my inner muse had their intellectual and sensuous trappings. I had gone as far as I could exponentially go in the abstract to be congruent. Now, I faced the challenge of practice. By choice and by necessity I had begun to pare away my excesses of gluttony and indolence. I needed to go further. To maintain the focused intensity, I needed the ENERGY. Being more physically 'in-tune' would increase the vitality and the stamina to maintain the intense energy levels for the intellectual inspirations of the spirit.

Fatefully, my temp-work, along with a stint in a kitchen, and then doing housekeeping at a hospital required me moving around. The physical and physiological limitations, along with the benefits I experienced while moving around on my feet, convinced me that a regimen which maintained muscle tone and aerobic stimulation without the punishing joint and muscle strain was needed. Having been exposed to yoga and tai-chi, I was familiar with low-impact exercises. Having noticed the sub-par pulmonary sufficiency, I wanted to have a dimension for that in my exercises. In circuit series exercises I found the mode that gave me weight resistance for my muscles and aerobic stress for my lungs-heart. As I increase the percentage of muscle mass, as well as DECREASE, the amount of fat, I feel the energy needed for the intensive emotional focus which spawns the subconscious and conscious inspiration for the speculative, metaphysical musings.

The musings affect the degree of vitality I have, thus providing a vibratory effect for others to sense and stimulate their own affective activity in the great cosmic network web-that itself is a metamorphosis of the energy of the last Big Bang.

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