"You don't have to live like a scavenger, taking and settling in the mindset that remnants are your world. The world is bountiful. We just abuse it to our deprivation."
Pano awoke from the over-speak in his dream. He had been in a lush forest opening that was like a garden. The blooms on the trees and bushes scented the area with fragrances only the women of the cities could have as an olfactory competition to these scents. Pano had been traveling for six months. He had left the fields of the warrior noble Jinku. He was a fugitive. Pano believed there had to be more than the subsistence existence that had been his parents' and now his life working the lands of Jinku, a harsh indifferent baron of the lands that were bounded by the East Sea, the Loroon Mountains to the south, the lowlands to the west and the north belonging to other barons of the warlord, Xamot. Jinku's lands stretched for fifty miles to the mountains and 30 miles on the mesa above the lowlands.
All Pano had known from the 16 years after his birth was the soil, the hot sun, and the wind coming off the East Sea. He had wondered what was beyond the horizon to the east or over the mountains to the south. In those directions he had hopes for escaping this life of drudgery that began before the Sun cleared the eastern horizon and at its dusk setting in the western low lands. The Jinku's, over war-lord,Xamot, and his patrons, were demanding more tribute from Jinku, who, in his turn was demanding longer hours to the seven days they were toiling in the sun. It was bad enough that their indentured service was a de facto slavery, since they had not been paid more in the good years of harvest and production. Now they were being levied for more, since the warlords and their patrons had embarked on high-risk adventures that had come up unsuccessful. Pano's family could hardly support the extended family of father, his brothers, sister, and himself on the land to which they were indentured. Pano, being single and the youngest, knew it was time to take off and take his chances being a fugitive serf.
As soon as the Spring rains had ended and the hot days began, Pano took off on a crescent moon night, heading south for the mountains.
He found that the mountain range was a multiple range of three- two starting near the eastern shore and running west. The third rose up between the two like a minor hump on the skin of the land.
Pano was eating roots and the barks of trees-anything to put in his stomach that wouldn't kill him. He came to a clearing and saw a the strangest and near-terrifying sight. He saw a lizard, about five and a half feet long, still wet from the water undergo a transformation before his eyes. The green scales stretched and changed from green to blue to turquoise to light blue to white to light pink to brown. At the same time the short stubby legs became long and humanoid, as did its arms. The scaly skin receded in the elongation and filling out. The torso took on the shape of a woman, as the head of the lizard form-shifted to a human head with hair poring out the former scaly morphology. The 'human' rose from all fours to a standing position. The head of the creature tilted itself to the sky, sniffing the air. It then pivoted and Pano saw the face of the she-creature going through its final transformation. The serpentine eyes lost their cat-like quality and transformed into the oval, human-like orbits with emerald green pupils. The mouth's jaw was receding back from its flat origin, becoming a slightly squared jaw of some delicacy. The reptilian mouth opening became two full lips. Pano stood frozen in awe and terror. The she-creature's nostrils flared as if sniffing Pano's emotional state, when it said, "Fear me not. You are not MY meal."
Pano took his first full exhalation and inhalation breath.
"You are wandering through more than unknown geographical terrain. Our encounter is no accident. You are my portal for learning the sense of the feelings of empathy. I am your portal to our world of abundance."
"Why?", asked Pano.
"Because our Mother needed this experience to grow in this space and time."
"Our Mother?", asked Pano incredulously.
"Time is the womb in which we gestate. Location is just the umbilical cord which feeds our being the nutrients of our development. Your humans have lost your sense of proportion in your gluttony of satiation. You are carnal addicts of the tangible senses. Your tastes are for your visceral pleasure rather than your physiological benefit. As a result, your wanton gluttony has fed you poisonous effects for your pleasures."
"How can I, the wanton glutton be an instructional pathway for you?"
"We have not been indoctrinated in your affected, emoting cultures in which hyper-self-consciousness has rendered your species social hypochondriacs for every inconvenience and discomfort you encounter. It allows us to be dispassionate to what you would call amoral and insensitive. But we do not see ourselves, individually, as the essential or the indispensable and orient our esteem on those terms. We are a phenomena of the source, as you are. You could say that this conversation is the source communicating to its extensional appendages by our dialogue between us."
"I must move in your world. That is why I said our meeting was no accident. You arrived when you were needed by me, for my mission, and by you, for your survival."
"Do you not have passions and joys for your flesh?"
"No. We exist intuitively and instinctually for our genetic imperatives. As you will learn, all creation is but an energy receiver and transmitter. Since we have not obfuscated our discernment with the emotional neuroses which your kind has inflicted upon yourself in the vanity of your 'self' importance, we are able to divine the signals from other tangible and intangible forms and entities, who are our teachers, also."
"More for the development of that level of cognitive sensitivity to the signals from in the environment and those passing through from outside the environment we have 'sensitivity' to our sibling beings' actions and signals they transmit so we may interact with them in a way you would call meta-chemically or metaphysically. Our the relations in and from our 'communications' are incidental, but not coincidental, since the serve a designed ends."
"In fact the 'Garden of Eden' legend was NOT about the apple which Adam ate but the consciousness which 'the reptile', your mythical Satan (Lucifer), was able to impart to Eve who en-'Lightened' Adam. The knowledge gained was too great for them whose communications, enabled with other entities, overwhelmed their sensual comprehension and Eve became the 'Mother of more worlds than Abel and Cain' from the 'trick'-sters who succeeded in using Eve as the incubator for their chemical and genetic leaps. To protect Eve and Adam from the more cunning forms we tricked them both back to their former state of innocence"
Pano was stunned to hear this revelation of the sacred story of 'Mother Eve', the Madonna of the parasimian cultures. He had learned that it was the serpent's attempted violation of 'Mother Eve' that precipitated hers and Adam's protection from the predations of the natural world, that they were given their status.
"As I train you, human, away from the ways of carnality to be able to hear and to listen to the signals of time, I will learn of the passions of your angst, and will be better to camouflage myself within your cultures to train others."
"You know that this world is dominated by those whose cunning and amorality is abominable to humans and beast, as well as this world."
"Those humans are slaves to their lusts and vanities. They do not have the powers which I can generate amongst the even the rocks, which your builders scorn for use."
"It would be such a change from this order where the weak were preyed upon by those who by brutality or by status enjoyed feeding on the sweat and blood of others, figuratively and literally."
"Learn the sounds of silence human, and hear the voices from without."
"Can we stay here, where the hunters searching for me would find us?"
"I will show you how to blend in as one of nature's own. They could move within a breath of you with their hounds and would not detect you."
"First, I much teach you the mindset of total anonymity."
Pano quiped, "I know all about that as one of the bond-serfs of the baron's land."
She-creature countered, "You knew even less than the tip of the point of a pin of what I will instruct you. Your whole concept of identity, as by the name you call yourself will be obliterated from significance for you. What I spoke of earlier as your human culture's obsession with your neurotic obsessiveness of affected, emotings on the self-importance of your feelings is the modality that will be our main and first concern. My goal for you is to have you thinking in terms of your ACTS in the context and compliment of the other qualities and forces of your environment. It will be what can be done for the whole, not what can be appropriated for yourself. As you learn to be part of the holistic dynamics of the natures about you, you will find that that dynamic of relations takes care of your needs incidentally. Instead of being a toxifier to your environment, you will be a fertilizer and pollinator."
"You in feeding the macro-systems about you, you are providing for your own feedings."
"It is daylight, and the first lesson in total anonymity begins."
The she-creature pointed out to Pano that his erect carriage was meant only for the more rapid movements over extended distances. When not in that mode, versions of prone movement needed to be learned. Each version had its specific use. For shelter, she-creature narrated how the buildings of human culture were a waste of resource and inefficient for energy preservation, in providing warmth in cold weather and coolness in hot weather. She highlighted the groundhog and other Earth-burrowing creatures. Their burrows were strategically and tactically placed to provide easy access to their physiological resources, and provide a defensive cover from predators. Pano was shown how to burrow and use the rocks and fallen limbs as miniature supports for the defensive tunnel, which was 6-inches wider than his body (which she noted would be leaner in the end-goal), leading into his 'quarters'. The tunnel served as a sun-roof/skylight and chimney-exhaust port. The quarters was a space just large enough for him to sit down with 2-3 inches of space to the ceiling and room for bedding. There would be no storage space, since everything would be consumed and the waste would be buried in the floor (if not used as supplementary supports, if not distributed to the outside as fertilizer and lure). The dirt initially disturbed when starting the tunnel was refabricated with the rocks and twigs from the area to make a mortar paste, which Pano used as sealing-insulation on the walls of the burrows chamber.
The first few days of cuts and scrapes on Pano's hands from the digging eventually calloused his hands for the effort. His skepticism and whining grew less as his efforts in making a tunnel into the ground at a slant close to a 33 degree angle the length of his body bore fruit with the buttressing of the side walls with rocks imbeds, and then using finding the soil in the lower reaches less hard from dehydration from the air. The burrow 'quarters' took more energy and time because of its size, but the lessons learned while burrowing the tunnel to this chamber gave Pano the insights for free and moving the dirt and reinforcing the area escavated from collapse, as it was a cavity off the tunnel. In this way he had a reservoir for any rain moisture to be caught below his living space. Pano also was learning to organize himself from his clothing to his thoughts so that they fit the moment's operation rather than some aesthetic, stylish whim that was superfluous to his operational need. What was operational was important, not what was whimsical or convenient.
The finished burrow had an opening in a space between some bushes. It was inconspicuous to all but those entities whose sense of scent would detect the fumes of Pano's presence coming from the tunnel hole. The slant of the tunnel was angled to the southwestern part of the sky, so that Pano had the maximum light exposure for the daylight. Another tunnel would be started on the back side of Pano's alcove. It would be done in conjunction with the making of a drain slit around the alcove perimeter to drain the water into the catch-floor of the first tunnel and the catch floor for the second tunnel that would rise out to the north as a ventilation shaft, as well as a secondary portal of exit or escape.
Pano asked about the use of fire and cooking. She-creature taught him the use of sun-drying and low-heating without open flames. She-creature showed Pano brown waste composting, using common plant materials like grass, pine-straw and leaf litter can be composted to produce heat. It works because some bacteria have strongly exothermic metabolic processes. This would assist in the colder months as a natural heat generator. Pano lined his alcove with the compost.
She-creature then took Pano to an area by the water where limestone was. They picked up several rocks and brought them back to the some harder rocks. There they broke and shattered the limestone with other rocks into finer, small pieces. They mixed those pieces with mud they found and formed a bowl and a lid cover for the bowl of the mixture of limestone and mud. They placed the bowl and lid on a rock exposed to the heat of the Sun and left them their for a few days. By the time they return, Pano had a container in which to ferment the vegetables and small animal prey. While awaiting the required days, She-creature showed Pano what fruits and vegetables could be part of his diet.
"This type of 'scavenging' does not create waste or despoil the environment."
To acquire the supplemental clothing She-creature taught Pano how and where his skin needed protection from the elements the most. Being the hot season still, Pano needed covering from tactile puncturing and scrapes. And She-creature, prospectively, gave Pano advice for what he'd need for the cooler and colder months. The pelts necessary for the summer and coming winter would be from animals whose remains, beyond their pelts, needed to be efficiently used. A wild pig or small deer would be the likely candidates.
For this Pano was learning the necessity for being mobile in the semi-prone (on his forearms and knees) and the prone (on his abdomen and legs) positions. In the semi-prone to crouch position, he was sent to the down-wind side of his quarry. Using the prone and semi-prone posture, Pano stayed low in the grass as he crawled closer and closer to his prey. He had a crude, spiked 3-foot spear that he would throw into the lower abdomen, the un-ribbed and least protected part of the animal to severely wound it and make it more catch-able in its attempt to flee with its mortal wound.
Instead of Pano moving around in the grass, She-creature had Pano climb into the trees to get a view of the bush floor below. In this way, Pano would be less conspicuous and able to spot his quarry without leaving his scent about on the bushes and undergrowth, unnecessarily, from moving around. Pano set up on a bough with a canopy of branches to protect him from the Sun. He reclined in a prone position lowering his profile. She-creature's words, "Empty your mind and let your eyes, ears, and smell be your thoughts", as Pana scanned the floor for movements or changes in color or sound in his sensory field. After the initial squirming to find a comfort zone on that limb, Pano settled in to scanning the quarter-mile view which was to his left and right front in a 45 degree arc. Just before the sun was going below the tree line, Pano heard a rustling in the bush twelve feet beneath him. A boar was rooting around. Pano knew that he just needed to drop down with his spear point leading to impale the boar with the impact of his landing on the boar's back.
As quietly as he could be he readjusted the spear in his right hand, as his left hand came to rest on the branch to steady himself. He raised up to sit on the branch and bring his left leg over so that he was sitting on one side of the branch. As the boar continued to root beneath him, Pano maneuvered himself over the animal. He grasped the spear with his right hand on top of his left hand raising his hands on the spear to the level of his forehead. He slid off the branch. The quick sudden fall was accompanied by his bringing the spear down hard with all the force he could muster to amplify its impaling impact. Even though the spear glanced of the boar's spine it penetrated to the right and into the animal who squealed in terror and pain. Pano fell on to and rolled off the animal as the wieght of his body on the spear drove it deep into the flesh of the boar and broke off in his hands as Pano lost his balance and fell off the boar. Pano rolled, slightly twisting his ankle. The boar was mortally wounded but with enough vitality to turn what remained of its rage toward Pano. All Pano had was the broken off part of the spear laying next to his left hand. Pano used the spear like a jabbing impaler as he aimed it at the on-rushing boar's face and eyes. Pano moved to his left at the last moment and jabbed with the spear. It found its mark in the eye. A shrieking squeal and grunt was heard and the boar collapsed at Pano's feet. With the crude stone knife he fetched from the bough where he had been resting, he gave the pig a slash across its throat cutting its jugular and ending its life.
She-creature had been watching from a distance observing Pano's efforts. She smiled at his efficiency of emotions being focused in the techniques of the kill, with little self-conscious diversion to his own peril from the boar. 'He had become the predator. Now to make him the efficient predator'.
She-creature showed Pano how their hides for shields and shoes, their bones for tools and weapons, and their bristles for brushes. From the hed of the boar to the hoofs, Pano learned the functions which the boar's parts could be used to service. Pano now had a water-resistant hide for cover for the early cool months.
Pano had shelter, clothing, and a source for short and long-term food. Since She-creature was stressing the need for inconspicuous, nature-blending, anonymity, crop husbandry was more nuanced by seeding plant growth as it appeared on its own in the wild, than leave any tell-tale signs of a proprietary custodianship occurring in the area. She-creature told Pano that when he mastered the art of anonymity, he'd be ready to move on and find wisdom on his own and his acolyte who'd walk into his tutelage. Until then it was living and learning the existence of being no more and no less than the plants which lined his burrow opening and surrounded him in its sanctuary of protection by his practice of chameleon anonymity, natural blending.
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