Not that it could be different under any circumstances, since I seek to violate and penetrate physical and metaphysical boundaries.
WHAT THE DEVIL! They knew it when my incarnation was conceived. It was in the water. It may not be by intelligent design, but it was by bio-chemical inevitability. Perhaps the nurture part was I was left to my own cognitive devices, too much, as a toddler and pre-schooler. I just wasn't socialized to conform to the conventions of the surrounding culture.
By not having that socialization I wasn't group-broken trained. Good and bad for me. Bad in the short run-a lot of finessed carnality I could have learned to have. In the long-run, I didn't have the predisposition for the temporal hype and herd-think my contemporaries have had.
Most importantly, I became aware of the potential of cognitive consonance and resonance when there is a non-diverted or non-distracted focus of emotional as well as mental energies. Incidental to that I became intuitively and instinctively estranged and hostile to the conventions of the cultural and social 'traditions'.
Jean-Jacque (Rousseau) was right!! It's not just in chains, but a gauntlet of chains. From the kind of generational, old-school parents, the times of the 50's and early 60's, the schools, by their structural organization, developmentally or by institutional design, my non-cultured, unsocialized personality was structured to be in contention with the paradigms of those entities. It probably STILL is ME, but I have exponentially less guilt about being at odds and not in congruence with 'the program', than I was coming-up.
Moving away from the operational temporal and secular forms that set the psychological tone for conformity and submission to this dimension's reality, there were the events of fate which seemed to pile on to drive the point home that I was to see myself as a product of forces to which I had to adapt and accommodate myself, rather than being an idiosyncratic, ingenue of my own creation. The success stories of others were portrayed in such unique and ingenious terms, that one thought in terms of some heroic, over-achievement so to be able to match the feats of the historic icons.
In fact, events of serendipity and synchronicity, were speaking of a more natural and pedestrian path to the uniqueness of self-expression and self-realization I was seeking. All it took was an intrepid and indomitable curiosity and persistence of faith in my capability to do the things I wanted to do, rather than pursue some prescribed path set or determined by others.
It's finding that exhilarating motivation that is organic to what resonates with your empirical truths of existence that opens the broad and unmistakable path to follow in a nd as your bliss. Besides the multiple benefits, such as joy, contentment,and luck in a mystical state of grace, there are the tangential benefits that are positive affects for others as you provide a facilitation and enablement for their cognitive enhancement as well as their carnal enjoyment.
IN THE MEANTIME... temporality and secularity are the adverse bullshit to be resisted by your inspiration and opportunizing of the moments of serendipity that are the portal openings for your soul's expression to stream forth in an infectious transmission for shared resonance with other forms of your environment
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