...the populist masses to choose and determine to whom they'd subjugate [Ed. note: 'Cause you know it will be the defaulting of civic ethics and morality to a cadre of technocrats and pontificators!] their civic loyalties, at the least, to those with a "constituted license" to be the fiduciary steward of their societies. That's how it's supposed to work now-in so-called democratic republics. We know that, functionally, the oligarchs and plutocrats of financially accessible influence determine what happens for all but the least consequential and nepotistic positions of token authority.
It's a matter of eliminating ALL those who are the decision-operatives of the ruling regime and those who use the regime for their financial largesse and political influence. For complex developed regimes the elimination of the ruling elites would not stop with the political figure heads. It goes to their financial funders' and the operations which keep those funders flush with cash to influence, corrupt, or buy their ends goals of interest.
A considerable cadre of assassins, whose sole interests to eliminate those elites, without the assassins, themselves having to be targets of elimination: to carry out this eliminating purge.
The masses, who are easily subservient to those who can exert the power of control to have the order for a materially capable indulgence, are not to be relied on or trusted to prevent another 'novus ordo seclorum' of similar exploitation and manipulation by symbols and their homilies. In any event, who ever would be able to have a cadre of assassins to eliminate or scare off into hiding the ruling class and their auxiliary support operative would also have conceived and sought the means to influence, if not determine who'd be the faces of the new order.
Nations, such as the U.S. and its C.I.A. are well practiced at the arts of overthrowing other governments. Now with Russia, China, and North Korea quite agnostic to fear of retaliation, since they have a missile launched nuclear capability, they could, if not for the economic havoc that could be inflicted on China's two billion citizens, who are quite use to the bourgeois comforts of a middle class life style. Other than that, they have those with the zealotry to be willing to go on suicide missions of assassinations.
Such mayhem inflicted on the ruling classes would affect the masses to a minor direct and indirect effect. For a short time there'd be no executive authority. The necessity of need would be accepted by those who intuitively make the decisions and organize the resources and operations needed for the necessary acts (the authoritarian, autocrat of action).
Would such a person be a Cincinnatus or George Washington, both of whom gave up what could have been an autocratic, dictatorial authority for a republican civilian government, be like that. 'IN THESE TIMES...' I doubt it. Yet the effects of the loss of traditional executive and authoritative authority would be filled on the micro-level by those bold enough to take those autocratic initiatives to provide that public service.
Once those who control these de facto disengaging and disaffecting systems of mass control, manipulation, exploitation and cannibalization then the reasons for geo-political anomie that leads to wars is removed. At the worst, there is a mercenary cadre of killers for hire with no like for authority to be found. At best, there's an underground cadre of trans-nationalist who believe in the cosmopolitan unity of beings and the preservation of Earth who will act when the corruptions of governments allows the innocent to be sacrificed for what amounts to their privilege status of control.