Denigration of self in the Fetishizng of externals
such as memes of behavior as this->
[IN FULL DISCLOSURE: My own mea culpa for my psychological fetishizing the historical events of my day of birth, 24 August, from which I have rationalized my own behavior.]
Though scripture has been part of organized religion to manipulate and control people, some verses may have been common populist homilies before being prostituted for their bastardized religious tools of control. Yet for this theme consider this:
"Leviticus 26:1-3 King James Version-26 Ye
shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a
standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land,
to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God. 2 Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary: I am the Lord.3 If ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them;".
I've given it the corollary interpretation of idols also being fetishes that distract from, as well as denigrate, one's own soul's inherent potential-'for I am the Lord your God'.
This assertion is based on cultural to social artifacts made for the mortality-oriented perceived existence that human kind has taken as the circumfrencing parameters of their existence. This includes hierarchies in families and societies that go beyond operational efficiency results, but more for control beyond any necessary operational ends. Not only hierarchies of tangible consequence but hierarchies of more insidious intangible consequence, such as the aforementioned birth dates and other chronological dates memorialized for a hierarchical prominence of behavioral rationalizations and justifications.
Also other psychological fetishes by which we self-flagellate our past emotional events obsessively on to the present beyond their destructive or obstructive capacity to our individual present or future collective individual efforts. Most personal and cultural dystopian acts have been derived from these psychological fetishes with which we have self-flagellated our held grievances to the point for a need for the drama of acute-usually offensive and destructive-action.
What's going on around the world between and within cultures, nations and groups of people from N-S Korea, Taiwan-People's Republic of China, Myanmar Junta and its populist, as well as what has been done to the Rohingya people, India-Pakistan, Taliban and their secularist exposed society, Iran-Israel, Israeli Government and its ethnic Palestinians, ethnic conflict of sub-Saharan Africa in Ethiopia, Sudan, the Sahel, Russia-DonBas-Ukraine, European reaction to economic and political refugees from the Mid-East & Africa, England-Scotland-Northern Ireland-Ireland, Portuguese descendants-the aboriginal people of the Amazonian region-ethnic descendants of Africans, same with the Spanish descendants and the native cultures of Central America. Back here in the States between the Caucasian power structure and the more reproducing and majority aspiring ethnic-racial populations [including amongst the racial and ethnic groups!] that also includes the similar contentions between the Euro descendants in Canada with their indigenous native populations. Plus the over-arching contention of fetishes between human kind and its atmospheric-biospheres.
It's a purgatory of on-going fetishes with violate the logic of the prostituted theme in the scripture noted above, Leviticus 26:1-3
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